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In June, 2022, several scientific papers by the L&P attorneys were published in the leading Russian academic journals. Of particular interest are the articles by Anton Minakov, in which he carried out a thorough legal and historical analysis of the phenomenon of municipal credit institutions, previously fairly widespread in Russia.

In the article Issues of Functioning of Municipal Banks as an Element of Local Self-Government, published in the authoritative academic periodical Self-Government, Anton Minakov reflects on the concept of specialized credit institutions, created to serve specific economic purposes in certain regions of Russia. One of the most notable municipal banks was the Bank of Moscow, which serves as the most vivid example for the author’s analysis of complex and sensitive matters of civil and criminal liability of ex-top-managers of municipal credit institutions.

In 18/05/2022 Anton Minakov spoke at the IV All-Russian Scientific and Practical Conference “Topical Issues of Law, Economics and Management“, hosted by the Ulyanovsk State Pedagogical University. Academic results of Anton’s report are presented in the article Liability in Civil Law Communities, in which the author comments on matters of bringing civil law communities and their individual members to justice in the context of several notable cases of insolvency of Russian banks, in some of which the author was involved al legal counsel for the parties.

Anton Minakov thanks his supervisors and mentors Alexander Linnikov and Leonid Karpov for the opportunity to take part in commercial and criminal trials related to bankruptcy of credit institutions of substantial importance. Unique expertise and practical experience of the LINNIKOV & PARTNERS team accumulated over the years of successful struggle for the rights and lawful interests of the firm’s clients laid the foundation for the author’s research. Moreover, Anton extends his special gratitude to Professor Linnikov for the opportunity to dedicate significant time to exciting research and encouragement of post-graduate studies and advancement of professional level through academic work.
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